Energy certificate

Energy efficiency experts

The energy certificate is an official and mandatory document (Royal Decree 390/2021) that assesses the energy consumption of a building or a house, and the carbon dioxide emissions it produces, using a score based on a scale of letters and colours. "A" is the most efficient and "G" the least efficient.

This score can be improved, if appropriate, by applying the measures provided by the technical architect or engineer.


For this qualification, the different types of envelopes, facades, walls, insulation, windows, whether the windows have double glazing, whether it is under a roof or over a garage, hot water generation systems, heating, cooling, electric or biomass boiler, boiler, etc. are analysed.

How the service is performed

  1. Face-to-face visit
  2. Data collection
  3. Parameter study by the official programme issued by the Ministry CE3X
  4. Reporting and grading
  5. Certificate sent by mail within 24h

*The average duration of face-to-face visits is 30 minutes.

**The duration is 10 years, it does not oblige you to make any improvements, you only receive recommendations to improve your energy rating and in turn the efficiency of your home.

***Email sent to the owner on the same day if the measurement was taken before 20:00h, if later, it is sent the following morning.


Up to 100m² - 80€ +VAT. Plans 100€ +VAT

Up to 150m² - 100€ +VAT. Plans 130€ +VAT

Up to 200m² - 120€ +VAT. Plans 160€ +VAT

Comply with regulations: Get your energy certificate

If you are thinking of selling or renting your property, you will need a current energy certificate to comply with legal regulations.

At CertificaGreen, we take care of this process in a fast and efficient way.
Our team of experts will assess your home, issue the certificate and register it in the Energy Certificate Register, ensuring that you comply with all legal requirements.

CertificaGreen: The specialists in energy certificates you need

We are proud to be the specialists in energy certification in the region. Our team of highly trained professionals have the knowledge and experience to efficiently assess your property and issue an accurate and reliable certificate.

We work in a thorough and detailed manner to ensure that we provide you with accurate information and the right recommendations to improve the energy efficiency of your home.

Trust us and get your certificate quickly and without complications. Contribute to the care of the environment and comply with legal regulations with our service.

¡Contact us at and start enjoying the benefits of energy efficiency in your home!
